The Heppe building was the site for soap making in the 1800s. It later became well known, locally, as a place to haul your metal scrap or "junk".
Built in 1887-88, the building still stands today in 2015. The CCHS photo collection hasn't produced a nice, early view of the place but we did find one taken in 1984. In 1984 the building was needing attention.
The building in 1984.
Logansport Times, August 27, 1887, page 5:
& Sons, the soap manufacturers, have let the contract for a warehouse and
sales room on Erie avenue, opposite Wilson, Humphreys & Co. The building
will be two stories and a basement , 23 x 90 feet.
Soap Factory, owned and operated by William Heppe, made bar soap, soft soap, candles, & etc. He was successful in his business, especially with a brand that was popular with the locals - Royal. It was yellow laundry soap and every grocery in town carried it for sale.
Logansport Pharos Tribune, May 11, 1888.
Page 4:
Heppe drove his soap wagon over a woman yesterday, while looking at a pretty
girl on the sidewalk. The woman was not hurt, but her new spring head-gear was
badly wrecked. She will sue for damages.
Logansport Pharos Tribune, May 22, 1888,
page 3:
Heppe, the soap manufacturer, has a fine new delivery wagon.
The building as it looks today.
1920s the business is listed in the Logansport city directory as dealing in “Hides and Junk”.
Logansport Pharos Tribune, December 7, 1938,
page 13:
Heppe fertilizer company of this city has received the carcass of "Victor,"
the 25-year old hippopotamus, which died a few days go at the Peru circus
winter quarters from pneumonia. Skinner at the local fertilizer plant, the hide
of this animal was found to weigh 540 pounds, the carcass being reported as
weighing more than two and one-half tons. William Heppe of the local company is
now scouting around for a market tor the hide. The remainder of the carcass
went through the regular process of the fertilizer plant,
billed as the veteran blood-sweating trouper, was purchased by the American
circus company in 1918 and had been one of the chief attractions in the circus
animal tent since that time. Ill for a few days the animal was found in its
tank by a circus attendant. Loneliness, is said to have been a contributing
cause for the death of the hippopotamus.
Mr. & Mrs. William Heppe |
Logansport Pharos Tribune, October 4, 1949,
page 8:
No special celebration of
their 62nd wedding anniversary is planned for Mr. and Mrs. William Heppe, of
West Cliff drive, who will spend the day quietly at home.
The couple exchanged wedding
vows October 4, 1887, in the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Lesh, which is now the site of the state hospital. His parents were Mr. and
Mrs. Frederik William Heppe.
At the time of his marriage,
Mr. Heppe manufactured soap in business with his father. He now operates a hide
and waste materials business with his sons Walter, 2512 East Broadway, and
Harry, 2719 East Broadway. The couple also has three daughters. Mrs. Maxwell
Blick, of Atlanta, Georgia; Mrs. C. G. Pardee. Floral Park, Long Island, and
Mrs. George
Carew, 319 West Linden
avenue. In the immediate family are seven grandchildren and eight
greatgrandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Heppe enjoy very good health. He goes
each day
to work and Mrs. Heppe does
her own housework.